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MiG-21 - The Final Take Off

As a lifelong aviation enthusiast, my fascination with aircraft, especially the MiG-21, has always been a profound part of my identity. I've often contemplated the origin of this passion, and it inevitably leads me back to my father, a licensed pilot who dreamed of soaring among the clouds as a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force but, alas, saw his dreams remain grounded. It was perhaps this unfulfilled dream of his that sparked my own love affair with these magnificent machines, and the MiG-21, in particular, has held a special place in my heart.

The Rise of the MiG-21

The MiG-21, designed by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s, was initially intended as a short-range interceptor aircraft. However, it soon proved to be a versatile and capable platform, adaptable to various roles. In 1963, India became one of the first countries outside the Soviet bloc to acquire this formidable fighter jet. It marked the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between the Indian Air Force and the MiG-21.

The MiG-21 quickly became the workhorse of the Indian Air Force, providing a robust aerial defense against potential threats. Its delta-wing design and powerful engine allowed it to reach supersonic speeds, making it a formidable opponent in aerial combat. During the 1971 Indo-Pak War, the MiG-21 showcased its prowess by claiming several aerial victories, establishing itself as a symbol of Indian air superiority.

The Glorious Years

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the MiG-21 continued to play a pivotal role in safeguarding India's borders. It underwent several upgrades to enhance its combat capabilities, earning nicknames like "Fishbed" and "Bison." The MiG-21 Bison variant, in particular, became a force to be reckoned with, equipped with modern avionics and radar systems.

Notable examples of the MiG-21's success include the Kargil Conflict in 1999 when MiG-21s executed precision strikes against Pakistani positions in the high Himalayas. These aircraft displayed incredible versatility, operating in challenging terrain where no other aircraft could.

The Dark Days

While the MiG-21 had many triumphs, it also faced its share of challenges and setbacks. The aircraft earned a reputation for being accident-prone, resulting in the loss of several brave pilots. Technical limitations and aging components became increasingly apparent as the years went by.

One tragic incident etched in the nation's memory is the loss of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman's MiG-21 during an aerial skirmish with Pakistani aircraft in 2019. This incident highlighted the need for India to modernize its ageing fleet.

The Time to Let Go

As technology evolved, it became evident that the MiG-21's time in the Indian skies was drawing to a close. The aircraft had served the nation dutifully for more than half a century, but its limitations were becoming increasingly apparent. India embarked on a mission to phase out the MiG-21 and replace it with more advanced aircraft.

On the 91st anniversary celebrations of the Indian Airforce in Uttar Pradesh, MiG-21s will be seen in their last appearance in the Indian Sky, marking the end of an era. The emotional farewell ceremony was a poignant moment as the MiG-21 had been a part of the lives and careers of countless pilots and ground crew members.

An Emotional Farewell

As we bid adieu to the MiG-21, it's important to reflect on the legacy it leaves behind. This aircraft has not only defended our skies but has also played a significant role in shaping the careers and stories of those who served with it. It stood as a symbol of courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to national security.

While we celebrate the retirement of the MiG-21, it's crucial to remember the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who flew and maintained these aircraft. They risked their lives day in and day out to protect our nation, and their dedication is a testament to the spirit of the Indian Armed Forces.


The MiG-21 has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the history of Indian defence. It rose from humble beginnings to become a symbol of our nation's strength and determination. Its retirement signifies a shift towards more modern and advanced aircraft, but it should also serve as a reminder of the invaluable service rendered by this iconic fighter jet.

In the end, just like everything in life, it's time to bid farewell to the MiG-21, knowing that it will forever remain a cherished chapter in the annals of Indian defence history, a testament to the courage and dedication of our armed forces.

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